BMW Certified Driver Trainer
I graduated the BMW Driving Academy courses in Maisach, becoming a BMW Certified Driver Trainer.I have a solid experience as professional chief instructor for major automotive events. I organized dozens of training courses and driving events on racetracks, on public roads or off road, including demanding driving experiences on snow or mud. Thousands of people were trained by me and the feedback was always amazing.

My job, as a BMW Certified Driver Trainer, is based on explorationEvery major off road experience or course needs to be carefully planned and prepared. In order to build an awesome experience, a BMW Trainer uses all his skills, his experience and his intuition to choose the route and the exercises. All the pictures in the slideshow below were done by me during one month of travelling alone in a car, in order to prepare the biggest auto event ever made in Romania: Exclusive BMW xDrive Experience. It was an amazing story written during 60 days of joy and adrenaline, in 12 cities across Romania, together with more than one thousand excited participants, but, before that, it was one month of exploration in solitude.